Digital Agriculture powered by drones is transforming the lives of our farmers by providing safe and efficient operational tools, increasing per acre yield and lowering input costs, thereby doubling the farmer income.

We offer a multitude of Precision Agriculture services such as:

1. Agricultural Spray using Drones

Our team of DGCA-certified Drone Pilots offers professional, drone spray services conducted as per the SOPs released by the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare.

We customize our spray solutions and work closely with Agrochemical, Pesticide & Fertilizer companies. We are jointly developing bespoke formulations as well as Crop-specific SOPs to create the most efficient solution for your farms.

Our services enable:

  • Efficiency: Can spray 20-25 acres per day per drone
  • Safety: Protect farmers from harmful pesticide poisoning and heatstroke.
  • Pesticide & Agro-chemical savings: High degree of atomisation, chemical fog can  save 30% of pesticides.
  • Water Table Optimization: Can adopt ultra-low volume spray technology, water consumption is only 10%.
  • Low cost: The cost is only 1/3 of traditional spraying method.
  • Applications: Wide range of applications, crops, flowers, trees, fruits.
  • Environment: Reducing pollution to water & soil.

Our USP:

You no longer need to worry about owning or maintaining drones or finding the right skilled talent to carry out drone spray services. Our specialized drones and pilots are available at your service.

For drone-spray related inquiries, please send us your queries at

2. Data-Driven Precision Farming

Agricultural Farmers can use drones paired with a Multi-spectral sensor and the right  Agronomist to capture accurate data for the health of their plantations, water distribution and pesticide schedules needed into today’s precision farming.

We offer several drone-powered precision agriculture solutions such as:

  • Soil and field analysis:
    We provide precise 3-D maps for early soil analysis, which can be useful in planning seed planting patterns. After planting, our drone-driven soil analysis provides data for irrigation and nitrogen-level management.
  • Crop monitoring:
    Vast fields and low efficiency in crop monitoring together create farming’s largest obstacle. With the help of our drone cinematography services, you can create timeseries animations to show the precise development of a crop and reveal production inefficiencies, enabling better crop management.
  • Irrigation:
    Our advanced UAV systems equipped with hyperspectral, multispectral, or thermal sensors (with the ability to switch payloads) can identify which parts of a field are dry or need improvements and calculate the vegetation index.
  • Health assessment:
    We help in assessing crop health and spot bacterial or fungal infections with the help of multispectral images captured by our drone. Farmers can subsequently devise remedy plans and monitor its outcome with frequent UAV flights.
  • Livestock Farming:
    Livestock Farmers can use drones to obtain an aerial overview of the area in which they keep their livestock. Our thermal imaging and high definition cameras allow farmers to track and monitor their livestock remotely, identifying any issues in real time, thus enabling them to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

3. Crop Insurance

Our Innovative drone technology shortens the time duration of the process for proving claims. Farmers and insurers can increase the accuracy of evaluation for crop insurance.

Collected drone data and imaging allow crop insurers and agents to guarantee that agricultural businesses can take help on time and when required.

Our drone-powered crop-insurance support includes:

  • Accelerated Imaging Process and Analysis
    With our intelligent drone platforms integrated with multispectral sensors, insurers can use our data acquisition services to gather data and check the legitimacy of claims made by the farmers/ and growers can now capture highly detailed imaging on time. The insurers can also confirm any claims through drone imaging, which can present necessary data for assessments.
  • Supports Cost-effective Procedures
    Using crop insurance drone for crop inspection and insurance also saves costs. Traditionally surveying the field requiring extensive labor and time; Drone Destination can assist crop insurers with our data capturing and processing services, comprehend the crop situation, and distinguish the damaged or infected area.
  • Enhanced Assessment for Crop Loss Claim
    We can help with efficient claim adjudication needed in formulating estimation and resolution for crop damage. Our drones can produce well-detailed footage, while its multifunctional sensors help prove claims better and faster.

For more details, please reach us at

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