When dealing with climatic, environmental or industrial changes triggering emergencies, our drones can provide reliable information in order to respond in time and appropriately.

We offer our drone-powered disaster management solutions across three distinct types of operations:

Search & Rescue:

  • Our UAVs equipped with thermal imaging systems can easily spot humans due to their body heat during night-time searches or in areas of dense foliage or in the case of victims trapped in rubble.
  • With in-built GPS systems, our drones can also help in pinpointing the exact location of victims.
  • To assist in night-time rescue efforts, our drones can carry payloads such as a spotlight and camera simultaneously. We can search large areas in a short space of time, in tandem with live video streaming.
  • Our advanced zoom cameras combined with facial identification technology can help identify specific people within a crowd or a disaster or other background distraction.

Real-time Surveillance & Reconstruction:

  • Our drones are equipped to survey over large, hard-to-reach, disaster-stricken areas and produce real time video feed to assess damages.
  • Our mapping drones can produce high-quality 3D orthophotos and maps. This data can be effective in locating and assessing structural damage to buildings and other infrastructure elements.
  • Such information can be effectively used for search and rescue efforts, as well as devising a concrete reconstruction and rehabilitation plan.
  • Our surveillance capabilities are also useful in tracking nearly extinct species, wildlife conservation, managing human-wildlife conflict and forest protection.

Relief-Aid Logistics:

  • Flood, damaged roads, and building rubble often obstruct emergency responders getting urgent supplies to trapped or injured people.
  • Our small drones can carry payloads upto 25 kgs and can get urgent supplies such as essential food items or medical first-aid to the disaster-affected areas.
  • We can also address the communication needs barred due to a natural calamity by creating temporary Wi-Fi hotspots for affected individuals to communicate.
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